God's Fools: The Lives of the Holy "Fools for Christ"
The Lord of Spirits: An Orthodox Christian Framework for the Unseen World and Spiritual Warfare
Journey to Reality: Sacramental Life in a Secular Age
A Walk Through Acts: An Overview of the Acts of the Apostles in 26 Lessons
Blessed Is the Kingdom: Reflections on the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Holy Fools: The Lives of Twenty Fools for Christ
Saint Paul the Pharisee: Jewish Apostle to All Nations
On Prayer: Reflections of a Modern Saint
The History of the Church | Eusebius
On Marriage and Family Life: John Chrysostom (Popular Patristics)
On the Christian Sacraments: St Cyril of Jerusalem (Popular Patristics)
On the Lord's Prayer (Popular Patristics)
Letters from the Desert: A Selection of Questions and Responses (Popular Patristics)
Three Treatises on the Divine Images (Popular Patristics)
On Wealth and Poverty, Second Edition (Popular Patristics)
Four Desert Fathers (Popular Patristics)
On Ascetical Life (Popular Patristics)
On the Soul and Resurrection (Popular Patristics)
On the Church, 2 Volume Set (Popular Patristics Series)
On the Two Ways: Life or Death, Light or Darkness: Foundational Texts in the Tradition (PPS)